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General Use of Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices in pedestrian areas of the resort:
Welch Village staff may ask a person using an Other Power-Driven Mobility Device to provide a credible assurance that the mobility device is required because of the person’s disability. Welch Village accepts the presentation of a valid, state-issued disability parking placard or card, or other state-issued proof of disability, as credible assurance that the use of the Other Power-Driven Mobility Device is for the individual’s mobility disability. In the absence of such documents, Welch Village shall allow the use of an Other Power-Driven Mobility Device if the individual states that the device is being used for a mobility disability. Any evidence to the contrary may be evaluated and acted upon by Welch Village staff.

Use of Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices for Use On-Mountain During Winter Season:
Consistent with Welch Village’s policy of “no motorized vehicles,” which restricts the use of any motorized vehicles by members of the public on the ski hill, the use of any power-driven devices or vehicles (including Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices used by individuals with mobility disabilities), would conflict with Welch Village’s safety requirements necessary for the reasonably safe operation of our on-slope activities. These safety concerns include the use of devices on the slopes that expose the user and skiers/snowboarders to a safety hazard and/or access into closed areas. These safety concerns are compounded by our facility’s large volume of trail use. These safety requirements are based on actual risks and are not intended to be discriminatory in any way.

Use of Mobility Devices in Pedestrian Areas:
Welch Village allows individuals with mobility disabilities to use wheelchairs and manually-powered mobility aids such as walkers, crutches, canes, braces, or other similar devices designed for use by individuals with mobility disabilities, in areas open to pedestrian use.

Use of Adaptive Devices & Adaptive Lessons:
Welch Village allows the use of adaptive devices or other manually-powered mobility aids designed and manufactured primarily for use by individuals who have disabilities, including, without limitation, mono skis, bi skis, outriggers and sit-skis. Courage Kenny Ski & Snowboard can assist guests wishing to enjoy winter sports at Welch Village through the use of adaptive equipment, with lessons provided by their certified adaptive equipment instructors. Courage Kenny Ski & Snowboard can be reached at 612-775-2280. Padraigs Place can also be contacted for the same - annie@padraigsplace.org.

On-Mountain use of Service Animals During Winter & Summer Season:
Welch Village’s policy states that no animals shall be allowed on ski terrain (snow) or ski lifts during the winter or summer season. The use of service animals on ski lifts and ski terrain (snow) conflicts with Welch Village’s safety requirements necessary for the reasonably safe operation of our on-slope activities. These safety concerns include the use of service animals on the slopes that expose the user and other skiers/snowboarders to a safety hazard. These safety concerns are compounded by our facility’s high volume of trail use.  These safety requirements are based on actual risks and are not intended to be discriminatory in any way.

Pedestrian Area use of Service Animals During Summer and Winter Seasons:
Welch Village supports the use of trained service dogs during the summer and winter operating seasons. All service dogs must meet current ADA guidelines to include, but not be limited to: remaining under the direct control of the user at all times; be house broken; and be trained and utilized for a specific disability approved by ADA regulations. Non-service animals are only allowed in our parking lots.

Key Contacts:

Specific questions or concerns regarding Welch Village’s policies on the use of Service Animals and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices, or special accessibility requests should be directed to:

Tony Seyffer, Financial Controller



Peter Zotalis, General Manager/President



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